โ€œโ€˜I am love and Mercy Itself.  There is no misery that could be a match for My mercy, neither will misery exhaust it, because as it is being granted โ€“ it increases.  The soul that trusts in My mercy is most fortunate, because I Myself take care of it.โ€™โ€ (Diary, 1273)

The words of Jesus demonstrate the importance of Divine Mercy. We hope that through the resources, books, images and items that we offer that you might learn more, and share with others the great revelation that is God’s mercy!

Discover the extraordinary spiritual journey of St. Faustina with the Diary of St. Faustina, a timeless masterpiece that captivates hearts and souls. Whether you are seeking spiritual inspiration, a closer relationship with God, or a source of comfort in challenging times, the Diary of St. Faustina will be sure to touch your heart and assist on your spiritual journey. This is without doubt a book that everyone should read at least once. BUY IT HERE for ONLY $25

Why should a Catholic bother with the Divine Mercy? Is this devotion really necessary? If you, or someone you know, has ever asked these question – you are not alone. In his book, Understanding Divine Mercy, Fr Chris Alar, MIC, explains why Divine Mercy is essential to all Catholics. BUY YOUR COPY TODAY for ONLY $25

Did you know that the message of Divine Mercy is found throughout the Bible. That’s right – interwoven throughout God’s word are the revelations that He gave to St Faustina. The Divine Mercy Catholic Bible clearly shows the astounding revelation of Divine Mercy amidst the timeless truths of Sacred Scripture. BUY IT HERE TODAY!

Wanting to learn more about Divine Mercy, or perhaps your looking for a prayer book relating directly to Divine Mercy to assist in your everyday life or as the perfect gift. Browse our selection of Divine Mercy Books and Booklets here.

Wanting to enhance your spiritual life but not sure where to go next? Why not try a spiritual retreat at home or consecrate yourself to Divine Mercy, Mary or St Joseph. See our selection of books specifically for this purpose RIGHT HERE! Trust us – you will not be dissappointed.

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